During the mid-2000’s Ryan Jordan’s solo project Zero-Point Energy spewed out badly overdriven speed-noise core at events such as Sick n Twisted, No Fixed Abode, Pitchless Industries, ILLFM and Wireless FM, and released on labels Bad Sekta, Anathematica / Coven H and several self printed CDR-s.
This performance attempts to make speedcore with cheap and free devices crudely mimicking some fundamental and “free energy” technologies. These include a sea water antenna, a laser light water fountain, copper-oxide/salt water solar cells, and self built magnetic audio tape.
Ryan Jordan
Ryan Jordan is an electronic noise artist whose work explores noise and a literal approach to DIY electronics. Recent projects include the creation of sound generating devices constructed with raw metals and mineral ores. The devices are then used in live audiovisual performances utilising high volume noise and powerful stroboscopic light in an attempt to create hallucinatory phenomena within the audience members. He has performed at festivals, concerts and conferences in the UK, Europe, America and China.
He also runs NNNNN / noise=noise, an experimental noise research laboratory and live performance platform operating as an open place for people to experiment with electronic music and art. The aim of this project is to disseminate knowledge and to act as an informal, alternative and autonomous network enabling people to create and express themselves via technology and experimental audiovisual arts.
He is currently undertaking a PhD at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong and Visiting Research at IXDM’s Critical Media Lab, Basel.