Ma:res is an artistic mapping of the sea surrounding Salvador, the city where we live. It is a conceptual map of the sea, its imagery, its symbolism and its impact on the lives of city residents. Ma:res talks about how this sea is seen and felt, their spirituality, their strength, their impact. In this project, we chose not to work with the map as a physical/geographical representation of space, but through a concept map. In which we sailed in the imagination of what this place is, how people use the sea and what it represents for them. When browsing in Ma:res, one can sailed through a sea of words, meaning, perceived and often forgotten in the day-to-day of the city. Our project tries to rescue the feelings and perceptions of the sea, both for those who live in Salvador and for those who have never been here.
The coding of this piece was the result of a survey on the possibility of multimedia animation using free software and collaborative technologies. We ended up with a website done in HTML5, SVG, JavaScript and JQuery, where the spectator navigates a map of ideas and perceptions of the Sea Salvador.
Karla Brunet
Karla Brunet is an artist and researcher, has a PhD in Audiovisual Communication (UPF – Barcelona, Spain – CAPES Scholarship), a master degree in Fine Arts (Academy of Art University – San Francisco, USA – CAPES Scholarship), a Post-Bachelor in Electronic Art Critic (Mecad, Spain) and a degree in Communication (UFSM – Santa Maria, Brazil). She has participated on many photography and digital arts exhibitions in Brazil, Europe and the USA and got a grant from FAPESB for a post-doctoral research on Mobile Technology and Art. Nowadays, she is a professor at IHAC (Instituto de Humanidades, Artes e Ciências) and Pós-Cultura (Programa Multidisciplinar de Pós-Graduação em Cultura e Sociedade) at UFBA, where she researches projects that present intersection of art, science and technology. From 2009-2012, Karla was the coordinator of, a media lab focus on women and technology, and in 2012, she is the curator of FACMIL/LabMAM. Karla coordinates the Ecoarte, an interdisciplinary research and art group.
Karla Brunet